New Software + Class Booking Experience Coming in March 2023!
We did the research. Out with the old and in with the new…and it feels so right!
Many of you have experienced app glitches and software bugs with our current platform and we all deserve better!
📢 So we are announcing (with excitement and glee) that FLY is making a major TECHNOLOGY SHIFT in order to provide a more user-friendly experience for everyone.
- New App.
- New UE logging into your account and booking classes on our website.
- New On Demand site that is seamless with your in-studio class login.
- New perks for Members.
- An easier way to bring a friend with you to class.
We are breaking up with Mindbody because Mariana Tek is the one (login) for us. 🥰
With this change, there will be updates to membership perks, our cancelation policy and the waitlist process.
More Info: