100 Day Challenge Complete! $8630 raised for 3 local non-profits ❤️


✅ 100 days of as much yoga as you could do
✅ Raised $8630 for 3 local non-profits
✅ Feeling fantastic after prioritizing your practice
✅ Prizes for all your dedication coming in hot

Thank you to all of our wonderful members that participated in the 100 Days of Yoga Summer Challenge! You have inspired us more than words can suffice and you have superseded all of our predictions on just how much yoga classes would be taken and translated into dollars for ELSO, SMYRC and PAW Team. WAY TO GO!! What was your motivation? The money donated for every class you took? The sauna and smoothie? The massage? The chance for a free year of unlimited yoga? Bragging rights? Self-care? All of the above??? Well, whatever it was for you, we are thrilled that so many of you SHOWED UP for yourself and for the organizations we raised money for 🌟

8,630 classes taken in 100 days by 240 challenge participants = $8,630 donated!!